Savings that reward you

Saving is your ticket to doing the things that mean everything to you. 

Fixed-rate, flexible or both, our savings accounts offer something for everyone. Competitive rates that help you reach your goals faster.   

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Rate change information

As a result of the Bank of England base rate change in February, from 14th March 2025 we will be reducing interest rates on some of our variable savings accounts.

Find out more about our savings accounts and ISAs

Woman In Shop Door Holding Plant

Full range of accounts

Not sure which one to choose? Look at all our savings accounts and ISAs here.

Couple Playing With Baby Outside Sand Pit

Cash ISAs

Save up to £20,000 per year - and pay no tax on your interest.

Colleague Showing Nottingham App

Lifetime ISA

Our Online Lifetime ISA (LISA) is a Government scheme designed to help you save for your first home purchase and retirement.

Couple On Beach Kissing Dog

Fixed rate accounts

Gain peace of mind with a fixed interest rate on your savings. Lock your money up for longer for the best rates.

Couple With Boy In Wheelchair Tea

Easy access accounts

Pay in and withdraw your money any time you need it.

Man Holding Dog On Knee Glastonbury

Limited access

Access to your money if you need it. Bigger rewards if you leave it put.

Child On Beach Eyes Shut Arms In Air

Children's savings accounts

Better rates than the piggy bank. Open a kids’ savings account with just £1.

Man Red Hat Showing Hands

Regular savings accounts

Put away a little each month and watch your savings grow.

Good to know

Your savings are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), so your savings are protected. The scheme was set up by the government and is funded by the industry. Savers could get up to £85,000 if their bank or building society goes out of business.

Find out more

Download our app

To download the app and open an online savings accounts, scan the QR code if you're viewing on desktop or head to the App Store on Apple devices or Google Play on Android devices.